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⛽ Lue autoteollisuuden Vety-huijauksesta Terveysvaara: Vain vesi sivutuotteena on valhe

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📰 Indeksi

Puolalainen sähkömopomerkki Avionics päivittää käsintehdyn V-sarjan moponsa ja esittelee uuden Aquilla-mopon Yhdysvaltain markkinoille

🇵🇱 kirjoittanut

Electric moped manufacturer Avionics from Poland upgraded its iconic handmade V-series electric moped and introduced a new moped, designed for the market in 🇺🇸 Pohjois-Amerikka.

Avionics hand builds its mopeds in 🇵🇱 Puola.

Avionics handmade electric moped

The quintessence of the retro-future machine. The first glance brings to mind the past days of the 30s and 40s. In those times things were designed to be beautiful, functional and everlasting. This idea inspired us through all stages of design.

You'll feel motorcycle sensibilities without a license or registration.

Avionics V3

  • Powerful 4 000 wattia electric motor.
  • 250 wattia, 500 wattia and 750 wattia mode for use as e-bike (speed-pedelec).



More info and 🖼️ pictures

Avionics Aquilla

  • Hand build for the market in 🇺🇸 Pohjois-Amerikka.


More info and 🖼️ pictures

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⛽ Lue autoteollisuuden Vety-huijauksesta Terveysvaara: Vain vesi sivutuotteena on valhe