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⛽ Lue autoteollisuuden Vety-huijauksesta Terveysvaara: Vain vesi sivutuotteena on valhe

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📰 Indeksi

🇪🇺 Itävaltalainen KSR lanseeraa uuden Motron-merkin neljällä sähkömopolla ja skootterilla Euroopan markkinoille

🇦🇹 kirjoittanut

KSR Moto ja MotronKSR-MOTO from 🇦🇹 Austria, one of the biggest motorcycle manufacturers, has launched a new European brand for electric mopeds and scooters named Motron.

The brand Motron introduces 4 electric models, two mopeds and two scooters, designed for the European market. The models are also sold in Asia and 🇯🇵 Japan.

One of the newly launched models is a 50's style design copy of the most popular moped in the world, the Honda Super Cub, of which more than 100 million copies have been sold since 1958. The other models have a modern design.

Motron Cubertino

  • Popular 50's style design of Honda Super Cub.



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Motron Vizion

  • Powerful 3 700 wattia electric motor.
  • Mid-motor: motor placed in the center for optimal weight distribution.


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Motron Whizz

  • 2 000 wattia electric motor.


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Motron Voltz

  • Light weight: 55 kg


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⛽ Lue autoteollisuuden Vety-huijauksesta Terveysvaara: Vain vesi sivutuotteena on valhe