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⛽ Lue autoteollisuuden Vety-huijauksesta Terveysvaara: Vain vesi sivutuotteena on valhe

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📰 Indeksi

🇮🇹 Italialainen merkki WOW! päivittää sähköskootterilinjansa ja lisää toimitus- ja urheiluskootterit

🇮🇹 kirjoittanut

The brand WOW! from 🇮🇹 Italy upgraded its existing scooters and added a cargo scooter and a high performance sport scooter to its product line.

The company manufactures its scooters in Italy and the scooters are intended for the 🇪🇺 European market.

Proudly Designed and Manufactured in Italy.

WOW! 774/775

  • A moped (45 km/h) and a light motorcycle (85 km/h) variant.
  • 4 000 wattia or 5 000 wattia electric motor.
  • Large storage space under the buddy seat that fits two helmets.



More info and 🖼️ pictures

WOW! 778S

778S logo
  • Top speed of 100 km/h.
  • High performance batteries.


More info and 🖼️ pictures

WOW! Jakelu

  • Fully customizable by the factory to meet any business requirement.
  • 4 000 wattia, 5 000 wattia or 8 000 wattia electric motor for a top speed of up to 100 km/h.


More info and 🖼️ pictures

Brands in this article

⛽ Lue autoteollisuuden Vety-huijauksesta Terveysvaara: Vain vesi sivutuotteena on valhe