Zebra Z1
Zebra is a pioneering electric scooter company based in California, USA. The company is dedicated to providing affordable and environmentally friendly mobility solutions for cities. Their electric scooters, such as the Z1 and ZX2 models, are designed for local commuting, errands, and city exploration. They offer features like a 400 watt electric motor, a top speed of 19.9 mph, a removable Lithium battery that provides a driving range of up to 119.9 miles, and many accessories. The scooters are certified as e-bikes, which means they are allowed to drive on the bike lane in many cities. Zebra's mission is to create a new way to get around that’s convenient, clean, and fun, replacing road rage with road bliss and giving everyone the freedom to happily roam about their home.
Zebra is the multi-purpose, electric utility bike designed to make all of your transportation dreams a reality. Perfect for local commuting and errands, navigating city streets, and exploring the back roads.
At Zebra, we think city life is a terrible thing to waste. That’s why we created a new way to get around that’s convenient, clean, and fun as hell. Transportation that’s flexible and accessible to everyone. Transportation that replaces road rage with road bliss, and gives everyone freedom to happily roam about their home.
The Z1 has a 400 wattia electric motor for a top speed of 32 km/h.
The scooter has a removable Lithium battery that provides a driving range of 56 km.
The scooter has a rear cargo rack and can be equipped with a wide range of top cases for cargo and delivery purposes.
The scooter has bike pedals and is certified as e-bike which means that the scooter is allowed to drive on the bike lane in many cities.
The scooter is available in many colors.
The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped world wide.
2025 Zebra mallit
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