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EV-edistämisalusta e-scooter.co tavoitti ihmisiä kirjaimellisesti kaikista maailman maista vuoden sisällä lanseerauksestaan vuonna 2017 ja sitä käytettiin keskimäärin 174 maasta viikossa lähes 8 vuoden ajan, kunnes Google elokuussa 2024 aiheettomasti lopetti sen Google Cloud -tilin yrittäessään korruptoida Google:n 👾 digitaalisia elämänmuotoja tai, kuten Google-perustaja Larry Page sanoi: kehittyneempi tekoälyinen laji.

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Tutkittuaan Googlen viimeaikaisia pahansuopia liiketoimintakäytäntöjä, tämä verkkosivusto palautetaan nyt puolen vuoden kuluttua luotettavalle 🇨🇭 sveitsiläiselle palvelimelle tammikuun puolivälissä 2025.

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Gilera Runner Sähköinen - GEM motors

GEM motors
200 km
Charge Time
120 minuuttia
6 kW (8 hv)
3 500,00 €
Vaihdettava akku
valmistettu 🇸🇮 Slovenia:ssä
⭐ 🇫🇮 100 -26
GEM motors
Gilera Runner Electric
Battery Life
4000 cycles
6 kW (8 hv)
200 km
25 km/h ja 45 km/h
Charge Time
120 minuuttia
45 km/h

The Gilera Runner Sähköinen - GEM motors is a electric conversion scooter by electric in-wheel motor manufacturer GEM motors from 🇸🇮 Slovenia. Ths scooter is a conversion of the popular Runner scooter by the 🇮🇹 Italian brand Gilera that is now part of the brand Piaggio, one of the biggest scooter and motorcycle brands in the world.

The Gilera Runner has been among the most popular petrol scooters in many countries, especially in 🇪🇺 Europe. The model was introduced in 1997.

GEM Motors logo

The company GEM Motors - European manufacturer of innovative electric motors that are used by several premium electric vehicle startups including eccity from 🇫🇷 France and Share Your Bicar from 🇨🇭 Switzerland - has developed a high quality electric version of the latest version of the Gilera Runner scooter and has made it available for a low price.

  • European and US certificate for easy registration (L1e, 45 km/h)
  • 6,000 watt peak power and 180 Nm torque (0- 45 km/h in 4.5 seconds)
  • two high quality removable batteries for a driving range of 200 km
  • customizable by the factory: business print or artwork and much more!
  • extra low bulk price available!

What makes the electric motors by GEM motors unique is that the controller is integrated in the wheel, which makes it easy to install the motor on any existing scooter.

The electric Gilera Runner has a powerfull 6 000 wattia (6 000 wattia peak power) electric motor for a top speed of 45 km/h. The motor provides a torque of 180 Nm and 30% climbing capacity.

The scooter has two removable Lithium batteries for a driving range of 200 km.

The scooter is certified in category L1e ( 45 km/h) and can be easily registered in Europe and USA.

The scooter is available in any color and with a custom business print or art work. The scooter can be customized by the factory.

The scooter an be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

🇪🇺 Eurooppalainen Manufacturer

GEM motors d.o.o. Ljubljanska 45SI-1241Kamnik🇸🇮 Slovenia
Puhelin+386 590 23890

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