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Sur-Ron Light Bee X

100 km
Charge Time
180 minuuttia
7 kW (9,4 hv)
4 222,66 €💱
Regeneratiiviset jarrut
Vaihdettava akku
valmistettu 🇨🇳 Kiina:ssä
⭐ 🇫🇮 3 -1
Light Bee X
Battery Life
2000 cycles
7 kW (9,4 hv)
100 km
25 km/h ja 45 km/h
Charge Time
180 minuuttia
80 km/h

The Light Bee X is an electric cross motorcycle made by electric moped startup SUR-RON. The company was founded in 2014 by three motorcycle and hi-tech enthusiasts from China and is located in the city Chongqing, the motorcycle capital of China.

Reddot Design Award 2018The Light Bee X is winner of the Red Dot Design Award in 2018. The moped is of high quality and is made for durability.

The moped has a powerful 7 000 wattia electric motor with 200 Nm torque. The moped has a top speed of 80 km/h and is available with a 45 km/h speed limit (L1e).

The motor is optimized for instant response times and is equipped with cutting edge technologies including regeneration (energy recovery system). The motor enables efficient performance in both on-road conditions as in extreme off-road conditions.

The moped is equipped with a Coaxial Multistage Transmission – featuring a primary belt (Ratio 2.217) with direct link to a secondary (Ratio 3.248) motorcycle type 420 pitch chain and sprocket. The design enables a wide range of options for gearing, drive chain and aftermarket sprockets. The primary belt system uses a German Continental belt for low noise with hi torque applications. For Extreme use in sand or mud Sur-Ron recommends the upgrade of a primary chain and sprocket kit.

Sur-Ron electric motor Light Bee

The moped has a removable 32 Ah Lithium battery made by Panasonic. The battery is of the same type as the batteries used in the Tesla Model S. The battery is suitable for use in cold and hot environments (-20°C to 55°C).

Sur-Ron Light Bee colorsThe moped is available as Cross (off-road) and Street (on-road) version.

The moped is available in many colors and has many accessories.

The moped can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

🇪🇺 Eurooppalainen Seller

ElektroMX GmbH (Surron Europe) Saarstraße 2558332Schwelm🇩🇪 Saksa


虬龙科技: Surron No. 2 Longzhou Road, Langu Science and Technology Park, Building 1, Room 105-107Hangzhou🇨🇳 Kiina
Puhelin+86 139 9606 2355

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⛽ Lue autoteollisuuden Vety-huijauksesta Terveysvaara: Vain vesi sivutuotteena on valhe